Social Background

Many elderly people living alone and also their children are concerned about what happens if they fall down the stairs. How long does it take before someone finds you? The purpose of 'are you okay today' is to increase the sense of security of the elderly and to reduce the anxiety of the observers. A very relevant subject because:

- One out ten of the elderly have been alone for a long period of time after a fall or accident at home.
- One third have experienced or heard of this in their immediate environment.
- Of all elderly people aged 65 and over, approximately one third fell at least once and two third had medical treatment after the fall. Approximately one third of this group had treatment at the hospital.

- Almost half of the fall accidents at the age of 70 and older take place in and around the house.
- A third of the fall incidents are hip or brain injury, early detection is crucial.
- About half of the elderly who are in possession of a personal alarm ('a button around the neck') do not wear it in and around the house.
- Moreover, the elderly are not easily inclined to participate in fall prevention activities.
- The estimate is that early detection of the fall of the elderly in the home situation can save 5% of the medical costs.

(source: Nederlandse Rode Kruis, and own research) 

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